Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ritter Sport Marzipan (Ritter Sport)

Brand: Ritter Sport
Calories: 480 (bar)
Calories per gram: 4.8
Price: $3.50
Where I found it: Pepper's Grocery (in Victoria, Canada)
Where you can find it: Amazon, perhaps your local fancy grocery store

Okay, this picture isn't mine--it belongs to this person.  I ate it all.  But I wanted to find a picture of the Canadian Ritter Sport Marzipan bar I bought because, uh, the additional French is cool.  Haha.

The only time I've had marzipan was outside a Teuscher, a Swiss confectionery shop, in the Stanford Shopping Center, and while I was eating away my guilt of it being tenfold more expensive than it should be, I was overall pleased with marzipan.  It had a soft, yet slightly chewy texture that I enjoyed, and it wasn't heavy on the tongue.  Combining it with dark chocolate makes marzipan all the more appealing, of course. 

I say that Ritter Sport bars are evil.  With the way the pieces are set in a 4 by 4 grid, I feel almost obliged to break off an entire row.  But that's irrelevant to the taste of this bar.

This bar is all about sweetness.  It wasn't sweet in a saccharine, gross sweet manner, but I felt it was too sweet for it being dark chocolate.  Still, the amount of sweetness didn't mask the familiar, deep taste of the dark chocolate and the buttery-smooth, slightly nutty marzipan.  

After a light toasted sandwich with ham and lettuce, just two squares of Ritter Sport Marzipan hits the spot and rounds my appetite.  It's not a chocolate I'd indulge in while pondering Kierkegaard, but it does the job.

1 comment:

  1. This was one of the few ritters I didn't really care for - kind of turned me off to trying more marzipan.

    I think knusperflakes were my favorite (you didn't seem to be as much of a fan) and then jogurt.
