Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bread & Chocolate (Theo)

Brand: Theo
Calories: 260 (bar)
Calories per gram: 4.6
Price: $3.25
Where I found it: University of Washington Bookstore
Where you can find it: Theo website

This is the most adorable candy wrapper ever!  Other than the hand-painted, rustic feel of the artwork, there's random-ass cats eating a bowl of chocolate and bread.

Theo is a chocolate factory whose home originates in Seattle, Washington.  And just this week I happened to be in Seattle, Washington, and I picked up two flavors of Theo's bars. 

I'm a sucker for strange flavors, and on a bookstore shelf is Theo's offering of bread and chocolate.  Together.  Of course the first thing that piqued my interest was, What the heck was the texture like?!  Was it a wad of chewy sourdough between slabs of dark chocolate?  That's actually how I imagined it to be, heh.

I couldn't wait to taste it as I opened the wrapper (which was a pain to do without tearing up the nutrition facts, by the way), and reading the nutrition facts, I was sort of worried that the bar would be undivided, and that I would have to weigh my chocolate so I don't end up devouring the entire thing or something.  Luckily, it was split into fourths.

Plain looking, is it not?  Well, I was still itching to know what Theo means to do by combining bread and chocolate so I cracked open one of the pieces.  I was to be sorely disappointed, however.

I had expected some sort of revolution (alright, now that's an exaggeration, heh) in terms of texture, but instead I felt as if I were eating a Crunch bar.  The bits of bread did seem to be sourdough or something, because it left behind a foreign sour aftertaste after every bite.  But otherwise, it was kind of disappointing.  Is this the sort of feeling people had when Crunch had first come out, probably advertising itself as Rice & Chocolate?

Something this bar has to be recognized for, however, is the dark chocolate.  I'm a dark chocolate snob, and the snobbishness innate was satisfied with the fruitiness of the chocolate.  Yep, it's all about the fruity side of dark chocolate, and not a single bitter note had made its way in there.  

I'd go as far to say that Theo's Bread & Chocolate makes a solid, good dark chocolate bar rather than the novelty of the bread bits because, in all honesty, the bread bits just added some strange sourdough flavor that didn't cooperate.

After finishing one square, I wasn't fully satisfied, though.  It was pleasant to eat, but certainly not one that I would pick up again.

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